(補足情報)3月24日(月)25日(火)テレビ東京「教えて!ツアーの達人」で紹介!1泊目はG7広島サミット会場のホテルへ宿泊/2泊目は山陰屈指の名湯 玉造温泉/3日間で各地のご当地グルメ7食付き!

- Tour Price
- 69,900yen ~134,900yen
Domestic passenger facility charges will be charged separately.
Click here for a list of frequently asked questions about Club Tourism PASS.
Departure Date·
Tour PriceHighlights
ItineraryAdditional Information・
Departure Date·
This tour is Jointly Operated Tour (excluding Hawaii unescorted tours).
In the case of Jointly Operated Tour, even if a specific departure date or course is on a "wait list," the tour may be canceled if the accompanying tour does not meet Minimum number of participants for operation.
(If the trip is confirmed to take place, a "confirmed" mark (pink) will be displayed next to the departure date. Please rest assured that the trip is confirmed for the departure date.)
Select a date from the calendar to begin your booking.
The prices in the calendar are travel price per adult when using the【2名1室】service. ( ) indicates travel cost per child.
Additional taxes, infant fees, or optional charges may apply. For details, click your preferred departure date and check the booking screen.
If there is no price in ( )
Click here for the reservation method for purchasing products.

Departure Date·
Tour PriceHighlights
ItineraryAdditional Information・
コース番号 | 32011-990 | ||
ツアー名 | 『教えて!ツアーの達人スペシャルプラン/3日間で7食付!出雲大社・足立美術館・嚴島神社・玉造温泉3日間』<ゆったり旅・ゆったり観光>【羽田空港発着】 | ||
お電話でのお申込み お問い合わせの方 |
取扱い営業所 | 首都圏第1国内旅行センター 〒135-8308東京都江東区枝川1-9-6 住友不動産豊洲ビル |
営業時間 |
月~土:9:15~17:30 ◆3・4月は日・祝日も営業 |