"A two-day Single Room at No Extra Cost

(Additional information) Same price per person per room! Single travelers are welcome! Enjoy local specialties! We will also guide you to the castle town of Hagi Castle, a World Heritage Site. [This tour was made possible with the support of the Hagi-Iwami Airport Promotion Project]

Tour Price
52,900yen ~57,900yen
[Only available for online applications] Club Tourism PASS member benefits "member-only discount" (1,000 yen to 1,000 yen)
*If you are a PASS paid member, the discount will be applied automatically when you make a reservation online. Please check the travel price after the discount is applied on My Page after completing your application.
Click here for a list of frequently asked questions about Club Tourism PASS.
Tour Number
Departure Place
Kanto / Tokyo 23 wards
Tour Period
2 days/1 night
Tour Conditions
Tour conductor: Accompanying / Bus guide: None    Local staff: None
Related Keywords
Solo Participation Welcome, friends, couples, gourmet, history and world heritage sites, sightseeing, spectacular views, Kura-Tu Pass: Recommended travel, same trip price for 1 person per room
Brand Name



コース番号 32022-990
ツアー名 『ふぐ料理公許第一号「下関春帆楼本店」で食すフグ会席と山口名物「瓦そば」 北九州・山口美食旅 2日間』【羽田空港発着】/1名1室同旅行代金


東京都江東区枝川1-9-6 住友不動産豊洲ビル
営業時間 月~土:9:15~17:30 ◆3・4月は日・祝日も営業